Friday, February 13, 2015


The first time I watched Chef was at the Marketplace in Bakersfield.  My super sis and I were out celebrating our birthdays on September 11th.  Just watched it again on Netflix; man I love @Jon_Favreau. Great storyline and music; you make my heart happy. Yay #Chef, #Friends, #Swingers, #IronMan!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Bridget Jones

I love my married friends and am secretly envious of those that seem like they are actually happy.  Getting married is like buying a country club membership; you pay your dues and no matter the cost you want all your friends to join.  Every encounter with the Happily Ever Afters seems like a scene from Bridget Jones...

"So why haven't you gotten married?"

"There's my brother so and so...."

"Babe, do you know anyone we can fix Laur up with? What about that one guy from...?"

"Maybe you're just too picky"